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  • Pumpkin fiber, which is used for personal care, is one of the most natural tools that can be used to purify the skin from dead cells.
  • It is 60-65 cm long on average.
  • The use of unprocessed natural pumpkin fiber has many benefits for the skin. 
  • Pumpkin fiber helps to  new cell formation and increase blood circulation. 
  • Good results can also be obtained when used for  and pimples .
  • It also supports the solution of the ingrown hair problem.
  • Use of:
  • Pumpkin fiber has a hard structure. When it comes into contact with water, the fibers soften.
  • To avoid irritation of your skin, make sure to wet it before use.
  • It is recommended to apply soft and gently during use .
  • Pumpkin fiber can also be used in dishes and showers.

Unprocessed Organic Natural Pumpkin Fiber 60-65 cm

SKU: 0027
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