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Kamyon içinde kutuları

Shipping and Delivery

With which shipping company will my order be sent?

We ship with MNG Cargo.

How much is our shipping fee?

Shipping is free for orders over 100 TL.


Is delivery available on public holidays?

Cargo companies do not deliver on public holidays.

When do you deliver the product I purchased?

Your order will be delivered to cargo within 1-3 business days.

It is delivered to you by courier companies in an average of 1-3 working days.

My order came when I was not at my address

The cargo company delivers your order to the address you specified. In order to provide detailed information in case you cannot be found at your address, the cargo following the transportation process of your cargo will contact you and inform you at which branch your cargo is located. Generally, your package is left at the nearest cargo branch to your address and you should receive it from the branch within 3 working days. Otherwise, the cargo is sent back to us. 

Why do we send the invoice on the package?

It is legally obligatory to send the invoice of your order on the package and to write your name and surname.

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