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about us

Fabrika binası

The first foundations of İnan Tekstil were laid in 1970 by Salih İNAN and Nazmi İNAN. Since 1970  Inan Tekstil's production of the highest quality at the most affordable prices in the medical corset sector, providing flexible solutions to the customers, color, quality and model studies on the products if requested, timely product delivery, not compromising the principle of pre-sales and after-sales customer satisfaction has carried İnan Tekstil to the top in its field. It has made it the number one corset manufacturer in Turkey.

In addition to meeting the domestic demand, we export to countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Arab Countries, Balkan Countries, Germany and Azerbaijan.

We continue to grow and prove our quality with our collaborations and partnerships abroad. 

Our story
Kumaş Kesim İşçisi
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